Clarity™ Ultra Self-Ligating Braces

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A Clear Solution that Inspires Smiles with 3M™ Clarity™ Ultra Self-Ligating Braces

Smiles are unique, and you should feel confident to show off your smile while wearing braces. Clarity Ultra clear braces offer an aesthetic solution for patients who seek a confident and comfortable smile while wearing braces.

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The translucent ceramic brackets are designed to blend naturally with your teeth. They are also self-ligating, which simply means the braces work without ligatures or bands that other styles of braces use to hold wires in place. This means you don’t have to wait until your braces come off to enjoy your smile. You can feel confident and smile beautifully both during and after treatment.

If you are ready to change your smile and want to find out if Clarity Ultra clear braces are right for you, schedule your consultation today!

Reasons to Smile

The unique, innovative features of Clarity Ultra clear braces inspire confident smiles while wearing braces.


Show Off Your Smile

Clarity Ultra clear braces are made from a high-tech, translucent ceramic material that blends naturally with your teeth.


Look Great from Start to Finish

Clear braces are translucent, resist staining and discoloration, and do not require ligatures (bands) that may stain during treatment.


Delivering Excellent Patient Comfort

Clarity Ultra clear braces feature smooth surfaces and rounded edges, which reduces the rubbing and irritation typical of some braces.


Convenient and Easy Care

With no ligatures to trap food particles or stain, Clarity Ultra clear braces are easier to keep clean and avoid plaque buildup.


You May Spend Less Time in the Orthodontist’s Chair

With no ligatures to put on or take off, your appointments may not take as long.


Always In and Working

Unlike other aesthetic treatments options, such as clear aligners, which need to be removed for eating and most drinking, Clarity Ultra clear braces stay in place so your treatment is always advancing.

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girl with aligner smiling boy smiling